IV Administration
IV Administration
J&J Home Care, Inc. specialized team of Skilled Nurses work together with the patient's physician to provide a variety of in-home, intravenous (IV) and nutritional support services. Our home infusion team assists in the coordination of medication, supplies, and equipment needed for successful therapy at home. Patients appreciate the ability to receive these therapies at home instead of a hospital or nursing facility.
Specialized Support Services
IV therapy teaching and ongoing support
IV line management and education
Laboratory support services
Medication evaluation, reconciliation and counseling
Monitoring the effectiveness of treatment
Therapy monitoring and management
In Home Infusion Capabilities
Nutritional Support Services
Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)
Enteral Nutrition
Tube Feeding Education and management
Conditions often requiring IV Administration:
Congestive heart failure
Gastrointestinal disorders
Hormone deficiencies
Infections resistant to oral antibiotics
Chronic rheumatologic and autoimmune disorders
FAQ about IV Infusions
What is (infusion) IV administration at home?
In-home intravenous (IV) therapy (also called infusion) allows patients to receive IV medications and nutritional support in their own homes. Patients find the convenience and comfort of being at home very appealing.
What services are included under home infusion (IV) therapy?
Home infusion involves the administration of drugs or nutritional support/supplements in a patient's home. These drugs may be administered by the patient, a family member or friend, or a trained nurse. In-home IV therapy experts provide the following services for patients:
Education and training: Our Skilled Nurses teach patients and their caregivers to take care of the IV site and administer the drug therapy. Since the nurse is not in the home every day, the patient or caregiver learns to take care of the IV and drug administration by themselves. The IV nurse visits as necessary to ensure the IV site is maintained and the drug administration is going well.
Nutrition services: J&J Home Care assists in the management of two types of nutritional therapy: enteral and parenteral therapies.
Supplies and equipment: J&J Home Care will coordinate with your IV supply company to insure delivery of supplies as needed.
How do I receive in-home (infusion) IV therapy from J&J Home Care, Inc?
If you or a family member is interested in receiving these services, please talk with your physician or healthcare provider. You may also contact us for more information.
When will service begin?
A nurse will contact the patient within 48-hours of the doctor's referral. After evaluating the patient's needs, we will determine a treatment plan and visit schedule. Services will begin based upon the doctor's orders.
How frequently does the IV nurse visit?
The IV nurse creates a patient care plan that is customized to the needs of the individual. The nurse will discuss each patient's care schedule with the patient and/or the patient's caregiver during the first visit. At the initial evaluation, the IV nurse will determine the timing and frequency of visits based on the individual patient's needs.
How do I qualify for in-home IV therapy?
There are specific Eligibility Requirements for someone to receive homecare and/or home infusion services. It may also depend on your insurance provider. To determine if this service is right for you, speak with your doctor. J&J Home Care, Inc. must have an order from the doctor overseeing the patient's care to initiate services.
Will my insurance company cover in-home IV therapy services?
Coverage of home infusion therapy services varies by insurance company. Many private insurance companies cover in-home IV therapy services as long as certain conditions are met. Medicare coverage of these services may be limited. However, Medicare beneficiaries often have access to in-home IV therapy services if they are fully covered by a secondary insurance. Privately insured patients should contact their insurance carriers to determine if in-home IV therapy services are covered by their plan.